Update 1.2

A nice medium sized update for the Dice Roller Tool. The main new feature being a Special Attack GUI, alongside some customization options, smaller improvements, and fixes.

Special Attacks:

Special Attacks are essentially saved dice ques. How they work is you setup a dice que, type in a name and description, then click Setup Button.  For example, if you set a dice que to roll 2d8 and a 1d6, then click the Setup Button, clicking the roll dice button that appears will roll 2d8 and 1d6.

You can setup 15 Special Attacks.

Toggling the "Clear Dice Before Que Roll" will also clear dice before Special Attack Rolls.

Special Attacks are accessed by clicking the Next GUI button in the bottom left of the screen.


- Holding Tab turns off the GUI.

- Second custom menu for new customization options.

- Custom color and transparency for the walls, setting transparency to 0 makes them invisible.

- Secondary background color and custom image. change the look of the area around where the dice are rolled.

- Added Temporary Health and Armor Class section on GUI.


- d100 physics changes, should make it roll less.

- Merged faces on d12, images on them should look better.

- Dice transparency is now completely transparent, allowing for invisible dice at transparency 0.

- Total no longer shows negative values.

- Health bar now sets max health to current health if a max health was not already set.

- Updating current health now updates the health bar.

- health bar can now be moved more freely.

- Backspacing in the dice que now updates the que properly.

- Full Screen mode now scales the Dice Roller properly.

Small Notes:

Custom images saved in the game get reset with each update, sorry for the inconvenience. 

Default physics settings were adjusted.


Build.zip Play in browser
May 11, 2022

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